AHSCP Governance

The American Hypertension Specialist Certification Program (formerly the ASH Hypertension Specialists Program) recognizes that the hypertension problem requires the coordinated effort of front-line health care providers and those physicians with documented expertise in managing hypertension. Through its two certifications – Certified Hypertension Specialist (CHS) for physicians and Certified Hypertension Clinician (CHC) for NPs, Nurse Specialists, Physician Assistants, Pharmacists, and Primary Care physicians – the American Hypertension Specialist Certification Program (AHSCP) demonstrates its commitment to the highest standards of hypertension patient care.

AHSCP is governed by a Board of Directors who lead the organization with their own expert skills and mastery of a defined body of knowledge in the management of clinical hypertension and related disorders.

Board of Directors




John M. Flack, MD

C. Venkata Ram, MD

Susanne Nicholas, MD

Sheldon W. Tobe, MD

Immediate Past President
Gary L. Schwartz, MD



Willliam J. Elliott, MD, PhD

Samuel J. Mann, MD

Shawna D. Nesbitt, MD

Matthew R. Weir, MD